① what is low temperature slow cooking?
② why cook at low temperatures?
③ what is the principle of low temperature slow cooking machine?
④ what dishes are suitable for low temperature and slow cooking?

- What is Low temperature slow cooking ?-
Speaking of slow cooking, let's start with Molecular Cooking.
Molecular cooking, which originated in Spain in Europe, consists of eight main techniques:
Capsule technology, foam technology, liquid nitrogen technology,
Low temperature slow cooking technology, hair drying technology,
Smoking technology, suspension technology, drawing technology.
Molecular cooking, as a trend in the future catering world, has been increasingly accepted by the public in China.
Low temperature and slow cooking in molecular cooking is a dietary concept, low temperature and slow cooking is a technique commonly used in molecular cooking, which was officially used in the production of restaurant dishes in France in the 1970s.
Low temperature slow cooking, is a pursuit of original taste, is a healthy choice! The reason why low temperature and slow cooking is popular is also a kind of thinking and improvement of cooking technology by chefs.


In simple terms, meat, vegetables and other ingredients are vacuumed in a plastic bag and then placed in a container with a low-temperature slow-cooking machine, and the ingredients are surrounded by water at a constant temperature to cook for a long time at a constant temperature.
The key to low temperature slow cooking is to find out the range of protein cell heat explosion temperature of each ingredient, so as to calculate the best time to cook the food within the explosion temperature.
Then use the low-temperature slow-cooking machine to control and maintain the constant temperature of water. The low-temperature slow-cooking machine will heat the water to a specific temperature.

Thus, the ingredients placed in the vacuum bag are cooked at a stable and uniform temperature. The process can range from three to five hours to several days.


Low temperature slow cooking was originally used to cook meat and seafood, especially steak, and it may have been created for steak.

Especially for thick or tendonous parts, heating at a constant temperature for a long time can easily tame the tough parts.

Because if you use traditional cooking methods, the heat is very difficult to control. Let's take fried fish fillets as an example. Fish meat will not become tough only in a very narrow temperature range, which is difficult for ordinary people to master.

The surface temperature of the frying pan is usually at least 200℃, which is much higher than the ideal core temperature for cooking fish meat, resulting in the fish meat being overcooked around the edges.

The scope of application of low temperature cooking is very wide.

Not only poultry, but also fish, seafood, and even vegetables and fruits can be used. Safe, healthy, and convenient, hotels, restaurants, homes... No matter where it is used, it is stable in operation and quality guaranteed.


The slow cooker itself has the powerful function of accurately controlling the temperature, so it can be designed to correspond to different temperatures for different ingredients and always keep this temperature constant.

Summary: Low temperature slow cooker can really improve the taste of cooking ingredients

A slow cooker is enough to slow down life ,
slow in delicious beef, slow in delicious food.
Slow in people's hearts, flowing with a faint nostalgia.
Or sit alone ,
Time is slow, taste food slowly,
Keep the time you want to keep.
Maybe the past time is hard to come back,
But we still try hard to find it,
But we can't always find the original beauty,
Maybe it's hidden in Sous vide!
Slow cooker, think what you think, love what you love.

Friends who are eager to try can refer to the following Chitco Sous Vide.


Post time: Aug-24-2024